The Archeia II |
Date: Tuesday 24th June | ┃Time: 7pm - 9pm | ┃Location: Your House> | ┃Cost: £20┃ |
Diving into the nature of angels - their gender polarity and its function - the lecture focuses on the power and purpose of these great beings. How they differ from their male counterparts, how and why they might be conjured and their place in the dawning new age of Aquarius.
- Part two explores those other Archeas of importance, Daniel the Archangel of Unconditional Love and Tzaphkiel the Archea of the Violet Flame and harbinger of the love of the Mother Divine. As well as the Archeas Itqual, Zagzagael and Christine - the Archeas of positivity, wisdom and illumination and the powerful triad that they make for us during these uncertain times.
Each evening with include meditations, exercises and live trance channellings from the Angels themselves providing powerful tools and prayers to help us through the year ahead.